Privacy Policy
Respecting your privacy
We (BA Pumps & Sprayers and BA Group Australia) are committed to compliance with privacy laws that apply to our businesses, and which set out standards for the management of personal information. This policy outlines our personal information management practices. Specifically:
- The kinds of personal information we collect and hold.
- How we collect and hold it.
- The purposes for which we collect, hold, and use it.
- Your right to access and seek correction of it.
- How you may complain about privacy matters.
By using our websites and/or providing information to us by other means, you consent to the collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy. In some circumstances, if you do not provide us with information we may not be able to provide certain goods or services to you. In this policy, references to “BA”, “us” or “we” are references to BA Pumps & Sprayers and BA Group Australia.
Disclosure of personal information
Collection, storage, and use
Our websites ( and can be viewed and browsed without the need to disclose personal information to us. However, you may choose to provide us with personal information in situations including but not limited to: requesting inquiries on products, delivery of our Buyers Guides, catalogues, or other product marketing material, warranty registrations, or newsletter subscriptions. In these situations, you may need to provide certain personal information so we can contact you in regards to your request. Such information that you may have provided will be viewable by website administrators, marketing staff, and contractors (including third parties providing services that relate to the administration, improvement, and/or safeguarding of the website and the information it contains). Please do not post/email or otherwise transmit personal information of a sensitive nature.
Holding information
Personal information that you provide on our website will be held on our website’s e-commerce platform and may also be exported onto our company’s terminal server to view. Third Party Contractors may access some data for services related to website operation and communication. For online payments, see Online Payments and Stripe section below. Email addresses entered on our website, such as those used when requesting inquiries or joining our newsletter, will not be made available to the public. However, your email address may be entered into third-party platforms used for marketing or newsletter distribution only if you’ve opted in. When receiving emails from our company you will always get the option to opt back out of receiving newsletters or any marketing content.
Use of Personal Information
We will only use personal information provided to the website for purposes related to our products, services, order fulfilment, and communications.
Feedback is always important and is used to improve our website. If you provide feedback on the website directly to us via the supplied email addresses, that information will be sent to the applicable staff. We may pass on relevant information to other people within our company who administer, have contributed related content to, or are otherwise concerned in, the website. This may contain your email address and other identifying information that you provide.
Information we collect
We collect information to improve our website, to provide the feedback and information you’ve requested, and for our company’s marketing and sales information you’ve opted into receiving.
We collect information in the following ways:
- The information you’ve supplied on this website – Including but not limited to customer sign-up information, requesting an enquiry, using the “contact us” section or by emailing the addresses on our contact page, joining our newsletter, or requesting a Buyer’s Guide or Seasonal Catalogue.
- The information our website gets from the use of third-party services – such as cookies and Google Analytics, which are statistical information that is collected each time you visit this website which helps us improve our customer experience. This information cannot identify you personally and is listed in detail below.
Statistical information and cookies
We collect statistical information about your visit to our website to help us improve our user experience. The information collected this way is gathered as a whole, with everyone else visiting our website, and you cannot be personally identifiable. This information includes:
- Your IP address.
- The terms you used in our catalogue search.
- Pages you view on our website during a visit and also the links you click on.
- The date, time, how long you visit the website, and how long you stay on each page.
- Device-specific information e.g. your operating system, service provider, screen resolution, platform etc.
- The web browser you’re using.
- Your location (if you agreed for the site to track this information).
- Other related information such as screen resolution and the language setting of your browser.
Use of statistical information
The statistical information referred to above will be viewable by website administrators and certain staff in BA Pumps and Sprayers. It may also be shared with other agencies we’re working alongside with to help improve our company.
This website generates cookies that are sent to your computer when you visit. They’re for the purpose of monitoring our website usage and to remember you each time you visit, so we can personalise your experience. Cookies do not collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them out of the web browser you’re using to view our website. We also use cookies for fraud prevention and other purposes, you need to accept cookies to take full advantage of some features of this website such as purchasing products, storing items in your Shopping Cart, or receiving personalised recommendations. As a result, we strongly advise you to accept cookies from our website, although you can view content and use basic features without having to accept cookies.
Privacy Act Rights: Access and correction
Your rights
Under the Privacy Act 1988, you have the right to access and request the correction of any personal information you’ve provided to us in connection with this website. If you would like to view or edit the personal information you’ve provided us, or if you have concerns regarding your privacy, please contact us through the information below.
BA may require proof of your identity before you can access any personal information.
Online Payments and Stripe
We use Stripe as our secure online payment gateway for transactions made via our website. Stripe is PCI DSS Level 1 certified, the highest level of payment security available, which ensures your credit card details are encrypted and processed securely.
When you make a payment through our website:
- Your credit card information is not stored or processed by us directly.
- Payment details are securely transferred to Stripe for processing.
- Stripe may collect limited personal and transactional data required to complete the purchase (e.g. name, email, billing address).
- Your data will be handled in accordance with Stripe’s Privacy Policy.
By completing a transaction on our site, you consent to Stripe processing your payment in line with their terms.
If you have any questions about payment security, please contact us using the details below.
BA Group Australia
- Email:
- Phone: +613 5278 9033
- Address: PO Box 155, 13-14 Hume Reserve Court, North Geelong VIC 3220
BA Pumps and Sprayers
- Email:
- Phone: +64800 833 538
- Address: 89 Hautapu Road, Cambridge, 3493
If you wish to complain about a breach of the privacy rules that bind us, you may contact us at one of the above contact points. We may ask you to put your complaint in writing and provide details about it.
We may discuss your complaint with our personnel, our service providers, and others where appropriate. We will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it in a timely manner. We will inform you in writing about the outcome of the investigation. If we do not resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, or at any other time, you may make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner.