Having worked with BA Pumps & Sprayers products for a number of years, Kelvin Fraser, knows the only way to spray is with BA.
From the field
Kelvin is the Head Groundsman at Bardowie Investments, based in Hautapu, Cambridge, a registered spray contractor through Growsafe, with years of experience as a Groundsman. Kelvin said: “I’ve worked as a Groundsman on stud farms and estate management companies around Cambridge for many years. All have used products from BA Pumps & Sprayers and I just love how the products they produce are easy to use and get the job done!”
When Kelvin joined Bardowie Investments 2 years ago, he was charged with keeping the grounds on the 50-acre site in Hautapu, home to APL’s headquarters, in pristine condition. “I was stoked to find that the sprayers they used were BA Pumps & Sprayers kit so I knew my job would be slightly easier having the right tools for the task in hand,” Kelvin continued.
“Having beautiful grounds is part of the appeal of the property. When people arrive on site the grounds are the first thing they see and start to build a perception of the business located here. It also makes it an enjoyable area for employees to spend their breaks, whether it be sitting outside by the lake or stretching their legs.”

BA sprayers in action
BA equipment on site includes a DM 300 Deckmount Sprayer with a 4m boom for spraying large areas on site. For the smaller lawn areas a pedestrian sprayer, the BA Greens Keeper is used to keep weeds at bay.
“The lawns around the buildings are creeping ryegrass because it’s hardier and we can monitor the condition a lot easier. We have an irrigation system combined with using the Greens Keeper to spray fungicide and chemicals such as Nortron, which we use as a pre-emergent spray to help stop the growth of cooler season grasses, such as poa annua, and ensures the grass is weed free and green all year round. We spray every 7 to 10 days with a general mowing regime of twice a week.”
The Greens Keeper is easy to use, portable, and maneuverable. One charge enables Kelvin to spray all the lawns on-site and “it’s absolutely brilliant,” he says.
For the larger sections, a DM300 with boom and spray gun is used on the back of an ATV. “The spray gun is a great addition to the DM as it means when I can’t get to a place with the boom I can jump out and spray by hand, directly where I need to.”
“Overall the kit is really easy to use and I just love working with a BA sprayer!” continues Kelvin.